Friday, August 19, 2011

Life moves on even if we aren't ready...

Well, another school year has started, and my babies aren't babies any more.  Cole started 5th grade this year, and Makayla is in HIGH SCHOOL!  What!?!  I'm pretty sure I wasn't ready for that, but as the title of this post says, life moves on even if we aren't ready.  And Makayla turns 14 today!  Happy Birthday to Makayla!  The kids pictures from the first day of school are below.

Cole loves his teacher and is joining the school band!  He'll be playing the trombone... same as his dad when he was in his grade school band!  I'm so proud of him for wanting to try something new.  And this will also help keep him motivated to keep his grades up - double bonus for me!

Makayla started Willow Canyon High School this year - I cannot believe I have a kid in high school.  I'm getting old - but that means the rest of you are too :P  She's taking dance and concert choir - one of which is new for her, and I'm excited to see her try new things as well!  She's also joined Key Club already and will be doing community service throughout the year - not too shabby!

All in all, we are blessed with what we have, and how great the kids are doing.  Even when times get tough I'm reminded to keep things in "perspective" - thanks Elyse.  Life is good, and I need to remember that even on my bad days!  Love to you all!

~ Courtney

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Mother's Day Pictures

So, for Mother's Day this year, we decided to try to get all of my Grandma's Great Grandkids together for pictures, in hopes of capturing at least one (just one) nice photo to frame for her.  Apparently that was too much to ask... but Scott and I were able to take some beautiful photos anyway:

Friday, April 29, 2011


I can't believe that I really haven't updated our blog since 2009... seriously???  As Makayla would say, "Fail."

Well, since it's been at least a year and a half since the last update, of course many things have changed!  The kids are older, and so am I.  Makayla will graduate 8th grade in few short weeks, she has "retired" from go-kart racing, and she is SO excited for high school.  I, of course, am freaking out - how can I have a kid old enough to go to high school?!  Cole is testing my nerves daily, and apparently going to major in video games in college, so he's getting a head start on that now...

Jon continues to race when time and money allow.  He's loving racing a shifter kart and when he doesn't beat himself, he doesn't do half bad!  Here are some recent pics... and again I promise to keep up with this...

Love, Courtney